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Welcome to “Well BeinGreen”, a PhD research project dedicated to exploring the links between urban green spaces and personal subjective well-being, towards more sustainable and healthier cities. Within this framework, we are collecting data on how residents of the Thessaloniki Urban Area interact with and evaluate the area’s urban green spaces.

Who can participate? If you live in the Thessaloniki Urban Area, you can contribute by completing a short questionnaire.

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Participate in the Survey

If you are a resident of the Thessaloniki Urban Area, you can help us understand the impact of urban green spaces on personal well-being by completing a short questionnaire.


It will take less than 10 minutes of your time!


Meet the people behind Well BeinGreen

Elli Papastergiou

Ph.D. Candidate, Spatial Planning and Development Engineer, School of Spatial Planning and Development, AUTh

Elli Papastergiou is a Ph.D. candidate at the School of Spatial Planning and Development, Faculty of Engineering, AUTh. She holds a Diploma (MEng) in Spatial Planning and Development Engineering, along with an MSc in Spatial Planning for Sustainable and Resilient Development, both from the same institution. Her research focuses on subjective well-being in contemporary urban environments, quality of life and socio-psychological dimensions of urban space. In 2022-2023, she served as a visiting Ph.D. student at Northeastern University in Boston, supported by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Fellowship (TREnD Project, Horizon 2022 EU Program). Further, she has experience in the implementation of EU projects acquired through her professional background as Programme Officer at Symbiosis-School of Political Studies in Greece, affiliated with the Council of Europe Network of Schools from 2019 to 2022, and Assistant Project Manager and Junior Consultant at a Consulting Company in Thessaloniki from 2018 to 2019. Currently, she actively contributes to research projects, including the H.F.R.I. funded project “Very Small and Small Businesses and Urban Development (VeSBUD)” and she is a member of the Co-Space Laboratory for Studies on Collective Practices for Space and Development.

The Three-Member Advisory Committee

Athanasios Kalogeresis

Associate Professor, School of Spatial Planning and Development, AUTh

Dr. Athanasios Kalogeresis (supervisor of the Ph.D. thesis), is an Associate Professor at the School of Spatial Planning and Development, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where he teaches economic geography, urban and regional development, and globalization. His research interests and recent work evolve around two main themes, namely, local and regional development and various aspects of the organization of production (spatial, social, institutional, and cultural). Within these broad themes, he has worked and published in a number of specific areas, such as small and micro-entrepreneurship; the creative economy; the analysis of new forms of (multinational) organization of economic activities; the role of multinational production and trade in knowledge spillovers; relations between international and local productive systems, the sources of regional disparities and the role of human capital and human capabilities. He has participated in 9 national and international research projects as a researcher or principal investigator.

Dionysis Latinopoulos

Associate Professor, School of Spatial Planning and Development, AUTh

Dionysis Latinopoulos is an Associate Professor of “Rural Sustainable Development and Management of Natural Resources” in the School of Spatial Planning and Development, at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). He holds a Diploma in Agriculture/ Agricultural Economics (AUTH), an MSc in Environmental and Resource Economics (University College London), a PhD in Civil Engineering (AUTh) and a Post-doc in Economics (University of Macedonia). He is the Director of the Post Graduate program “Spatial Planning for Sustainable and Resilient Development” (AUTH). He is also a member of the Board of UNESCO Center for Integrated and Interdisciplinary Water Resources Management (AUTH). He teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses on “Protected areas and Natural Resource Management”, “Environmental Spatial Planning”, “Sustainable Development Economics”, “Environmental and Natural Resource Economics” and “Sustainable Tourism and Environmental Management”. His research interests focused on environmental and socio-economic impacts of spatial planning, environmental and natural resource economics, economics of sustainable development, sustainable tourism development, sustainable and resilient urban/rural development. He has published over 50 journal articles and book chapters and has participated to more than 20 research projects.

Dimitris Ballas

Professor, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen

Dimitris Ballas is a Full Professor of Economic Geography in the Faculty of Spatial Sciences at the University of Groningen. He has a first degree in Economics (1996, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece), a Master of Arts in Geographical Information Systems (1997, University of Leeds, UK) and a PhD in Geography (2001, University of Leeds, UK). He has also previously worked as an Associate Professor at the University of the Aegean, a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Geography at the University of Sheffield, and has held Visiting Research Scholar positions at the University of Cambridge, Harvard University, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Austria) and a Visiting Professor position at Ritsumeikan University (Japan). He has published widely in the fields of social and economic geography, social and spatial inequalities, regional science, and Geoinformatics in the Social Sciences, including highly cited articles and books on the geography of happiness and well-being, as well as on spatial microsimulation and related quantitative methods. His most recent work includes the books The Human Atlas of Europe: A Continent United in Diversity, co-authored with Danny Dorling and Benjamin Hennig (Policy Press, 2017) and GIS and the Social Sciences: Theory and Applications co-authored with Graham Clarke, Rachel S. Franklin and Andy Newing (Routledge, 2017).


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